"The main goal of the church is to make disciples which means she guides us in the pursuit of holiness" (Colson).A healthy church is defined by who we are, not just by who or what we go to. OK. So define 'church'. A meeting of God's people called to fellowship as His own (facilitated by the presence of a building)."Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer" (Acts 2:41-42)
Let's unpack this a little bit. This says nothing about a building. Sadly, buildings...institutions...churches (emphasis on the plurality)...prove to be the face of Christianity to people. When there is a breakdown here that affects both believers and nonbelievers alike, we MUST work that much harder to be the church.
When taking the body and the blood, are there any relationships left unreconciled? Any sins that need confessing? We should be feeling an intimacy the Twelve felt around Jesus during the Last Supper. Please do not get hung up on the verbage. I know we cannot 100% testify to feeling what those men felt, but I think most of us can (and should be sharing with those that cannot) understand that holy weight when our hearts align with His Will.
Let's talk more about the Church as it is represented as an institution. The Church has been subconciously sucked into culture. It's #1 priority? Fellowship. Fellowship is really important, but it does not stop there. It shouldn't be therapy or for warm, fuzzy feelings. Not solely, anyway. That just means attending church is filling a void; it is just one more thing on that checklist entitled "I'm a good Christian". What is needed? Discipline. People need to be held accountable to a holy living. The oh so convicting message of the gospel needs to be shared.
=>Colson states that the gates of Hell will not stand when we go out and share the gospel.
=>If prison inmates can be transformed, why can't people within the church?
Whoa whoa WHOA! Just these two statements make me further examine how much I fail. Why is there such a lack of congruence in what I say I am and how I am living a life that is supposed to support those words? I am not obeying. I am seeking to fill a void with church and not with God. Hmmm...
Explore this a little further with me. Politics are important, but a culture needs to be built. Culture is religion incarnate according to Colson. If culture is flawed, it's because the Christians are. That makes sense. We have the greatest propensity to bring about change. In the world, there is exposure to corruption and exposure to The Fall, but we must remain anchored in Christ. Corruption has come as a result of The Fall. In the world but not of the world. We need to be noting this stuff and then trying to change it.
Inherent, important part of the gospel- everyone is important and needs to be valued. No matter what. Human dignity. We are all created in the image of God- all inherently good even if tempted by sinful hearts.
Ultimately, the church is a GOOD thing. Why? It's US! We need to root ourselves in the Word...in the GOSPEL. How else can we change this world?
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..." (Romans 1:16)
I invite you to read this and to hold me accountable to it. Please allow me to do the same.
Sorry I've not made the necessary time to be updating, and thank you for your patience!
Grace and peace friends!
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