Forgotten God: Ch. 2 What Are You Afraid Of?
Posted by Tyler Conrad | | Posted On Friday, November 5, 2010 at 1:51 PM
“If you say you want the Holy Spirit, you must first honestly ask yourself if you want to do His will. Because if you do not genuinely want to know and do His will, why should you ask for His presence at all? But if you decide you do want to know His will, there will be moments when you have to let go of the fear of what that might mean- when you have to release your grip of control on your life and decide to be led, come what may (p. 51).”
This quote summarizes the second chapter of Francis Chan’s book, Forgotten God. When considering what the Holy Spirit is and the adventure of following it, it is important to consider things that may get in our way and things that we will have to give up in order to follow. Our discussion for this week centered around these common fears/ questions:
1. What if God doesn’t come through?
a. “I think the fear of God ‘failing’ us leads us to “cover for God.” This means we ask for less, expect less, and are satisfied with less because we are afraid to ask for or expect more (p. 47).” (See Luke 11:13)
b. “Do you believe that God in heaven gives His Spirit to those who ask? Do you really believe it? This truth and what it means is so incredible that no one who actually believes it could then fail to ask for the Holy Spirit (p. 48).” (See Acts 2:38) Do your prayers and actions give evidence of your belief?
c. “I’ve heard many people question God for not responding when they prayed in faith. I don’t doubt that these people prayed in faith, but the question is whether they prayed for things God has promised. Often, it’s the un-promised requests that God answers with a no (p. 49).” Think about this for a while…what has God truly promised us? Do you trust God that when He says no or “not in this way” to you, you still believe He is good and doing what is best? (See Isaiah 55:8-9)
2. Do I even want this?
a. What if you got a letter from God that told you exactly what you are supposed to do in life from now on. Would you honestly want to read it, even if it completely turned your life upside down?
b. Are you honestly willing to give up everything in your life for God? All your money, material possessions, relationships, etc…Could you sit around a table with your family/ friends and tell them that you are leaving to follow Jesus and may never come back? Do you think that you could give it all up at this point in your life? Why or why not?
c. As Francis illustrated with his gambling story, it seems to be harder to give everything up when the stakes get higher. How high are the stakes for you in your life, right now? If we believe that it is harder to give everything up when the stakes get higher, do we really believe that God is worth it? Have you ever let the cost of following God deter you from actually following Him?
d. “Do you thrive on controlling the big and small in your life? Does the thought of letting go and listening to the Spirit’s guidance scare you and only make you cling tighter to what you think you have (p. 50)?”
e. At this point, question yourself: Do you really believe that where the Holy Spirit would lead you is better than where you would lead yourself?
3. Is my reputation in the way?
a. There are many differing beliefs about the Holy Spirit. Are you afraid to change your view of the Holy Spirit because what others might think of you? Do you have enough humility to be open to the possibility that you have been wrong in your understanding of the Spirit? Maybe others will label you charismatic or flat out crazy. Do any of those labels get in the way of your relationship with the Holy Spirit?
b. “Wherever we are at in this continuum (conservative vs. liberal views of the Holy Spirit), the point is that we need to base our understanding of and experience with the Holy Spirit on biblical truth and not on fear (of what others might think of us). As disciples of Jesus, being in relationship with Him must be our focus. When we allow other’s perceptions of us (or even our perceptions of their perceptions!) to control how we live, we are enslaved (p. 53).”
4. Good fear (or at least legitimate concern)
a. Read 1 Thess. 5:19. Are you concerned about breaking this command as much as you are concerned about the thoughts/ feelings of those around you? Now read through verse 22. We are called to ‘test everything’…do you do that? Faithful community is vital in this process. “Some conservatives may quench the Spirit by ignoring His working, but surely putting unbiblical words into the mouth of God is a form of quenching the Spirit as well. We need the Spirit in order to live faithfully. But we also need one another as we work out our faith.”
b. When looking at obstacles in your way to following the Holy Spirit, it is important to consider what your source of fear is. Do you fear these selfish things (discussed above) more than God Himself and quenching (putting out) the fire of the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19)? Remember that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of all wisdom (Psalm 111:10)
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